miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010


Hairy Henry is a handsome green monster. He lives in a small house in the forest. All his friends live
nearby. Loony Lou lives in a cave round the corner and Gorgonzola lives in a large tree stump.
Gorgonzola thinks she is Hairy Henry's girlfriend. She's a big, purple monster with pink spots and one
Soon it is Hairy Henry's birthday. The only problem is that he can't remember how old he is. Loony
Lou and Gorgonzola decide to buy him a present.
"What shall we buy him?" they ask.
"What about a camera?"
"No, he's already got a camera."
"How about a big box of chocolates?"
"No, he's too fat."
"Well, let's buy him a new pair of shorts."
"No, he's already got some new shorts."
Loony Lou and Gorgonzola just don't know what to buy him.
"I know!" said Loony Lou. "Let's go shopping in London. We can visit Hairy Henry's cousin Big Ben
and ask him what to buy."
"That's a good idea!" So they got the train to London.
Big Ben waited for them at the station.
“Hello," he said.
"We want to buy a present for Hairy Henry," they told him.
"I know just the place," said Big Ben and they went shopping.
"It's a very good time to go shopping for presents," said Big Ben. "The sales are starting in the shops.
We can buy lots of presents for Hairy Henry."
First they went to Oxford Street. There are lots of big shops there. They went into a computer shop."Wow! What a lot of computers and games!" said Big Ben, who loves computer games. They bought
a very special monster computer game for catching horrible humans. Hairy Henry will love it!
Next they went to a very smart shop called 'Harrods'. It's a really enormous shop. They went to the
special floor for monsters and looked at the very smart clothes. There were spiders web shirts (the
latest fashion), and dragon print shorts for holidays. Everything was monstrously monstrous. Because
Hairy Henry is quite a smart monster, Gorgonzola bought him a tie which lights up and sings a
monster Happy Birthday song. The man in Harrods wrapped up the present for Hairy Henry.
Finally they went to an amazing cake shop. They bought the biggest, most monster cake they could
find. It was a gorgeous green colour and had lots of birthday candles on it. They put it in a box to take
it to Hairy Henry's birthday party.
The next day Loony Lou, Gorgonzola and Big Ben collected all the presents together and took the
train back home. They were so excited about Hairy Henry's birthday party. There would be monsters
from everywhere in the forest - and so many presents for Hairy Henry. What a surprise it would be.
But then Hairy Henry deserves it as he is such a nice monster.